Многие, включая меня, опечалены распадом Deluhi
"Объяснительная" от Aggi
source English Deluhi Twitter
I want to talk honestly
It's me who want to retire
during the hiatus, I'm moved by the music and arts with flat condition
and I'm begin to understand to change what kind of things I wish for
and, because of that, as the result of thinking a lot for what am I obtain...
I have this answer
As Deluhi, working with the members and staff, also, the most important, the fans
I want to thank you
I'm growing up with you
though it's illogical about saying this retirement, it's closing with the two words: break up
I have complication with myself
but, for the final tour,
I want to enjoy my precious time with you
though I'm alone when facing the terminal station (T/N Please remember what Leda said in last paragraph)
though it's only a while, as Aggy from Deluhi
though it's sad or happy, I want to receive it happily
that's what I'm thinking
from the translator :
(T/N: For DeluhiFans, especially Aggy fans… I'm really sorry… I have to skip some sentences because it’s really hard to understand. I also have to change some translations parts, because we have no idea with the words he used, but we got the meaning. And also… it’s Aggy time to departure for future, for another road. It’s hard to understand, I know, I do that so… but please give him warm replies, it’s his decision anyway, and the best though makes broken hearts)
edohПереводить у меня нет времени, если вкратце и по-русски: во время перерыва у него произошла переоценка ценностей, благодарит членов группы, стафф, фанатов и надеется, что заключительный тур станет для него счастливым временем.
Даже ругаться на него не хочется. Уверена, ему нелегко далось это решение.... А я сижу в выходной день на работе, притом, что отпуск начался еще вчера. П**дец